Pacific Princess

Pacific Princess

Monday 16 January 2012

Last day on land (for a spell)

January 12, 2012
We are in Fort Lauderdale on the eve of our 107 day cruise.  Apart from our marvelous time at Kennedy Space Centre yesterday, a portion of our time here in Florida has been spent purchasing supplies for our upcoming voyage.  Rather than lug a lot of the necessities of daily life from Calgary, we decided to purchase many of these things here.  I am glad we did so as I regard the six pieces of luggage piled in the corn of our hotel room (including a nice, large, pink  bag emblazoned with the words "Victoria Secret."  It is remarkable how much space and weight are occupied by a 14-week supply of such things as deodorant,razors, sunscreen, lip balm, toothpaste, mouth wash and so on and so on.  I pity tomorrow's porters (particularly the poor fellow who gets stuck lugging the pink VS bag!) 
It occurs to me that tomorrow is Friday the 13th.  Perhaps that is the explanation for the fact that the night before we departed from Calgary, a virus infected the laptop computer we were planning to bring with us that I had spent the past four months loading with various bits of research for our trip as well as various movies and music that might help occupy us on sea days.  Happily, the virus wasn't too nasty and I managed, with Marcia's assistance, to remove it with still two hours to spare before we were to depart for the airport at 4:30 am.

Cruise Tip: If planning a long cruise, consider buying supplies at your embarkation point rather than carrying it all from home.

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